eBusiness Standard ($150.00 per mo.)
- Hosting of web site
- DNS Service
- Catalog of products
- Order Entry System
- Quantity Level pricing
- Customer Specific pricing
- Online History of orders
- Order Status Inquiry
- Remote Administration
- Batch updates of pricing from OSAS or Traverse
- Five (5) email accounts
(additional email accounts are $1.00 each per mo.)
- Virutal Server
(Static IP address avaliable for an additional $10.00 per mo.)
- Free Telephone support for thirty (30) days
One-time setup fee of $500.00 if Customware loads catalog and pricing information (excluding graphics and
pictures) supplied by customer in usable electronic format; otherwise, the standard $50.00 setup fee for
the following.
- Domain Registration*
- Setup and configuration of email accounts
- Creation of virtual email server
- Creation of virtual web server
- One-time submission of domain in popular search engines
* Client is responsible for the annual domain fees.